Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Question No. 3

I'll post a sample FRQ here about comparative government and politics almost every week day until April 30. They're for practice, since that one of the best ways of preparing for the exam.

You can subscribe to these questions using the RSS feed (the little broadcast icon in the address bar), and you'll see them in your news reader when I post them.

You can submit an answer using the "Questions" e-mail link at the What You Need to Know web site. (Look in the lower, right-hand section of that page.)

If you submit the earliest best answer, I'll post your answer (without your name) and a critique here a week after the question was posted. It will be in the "Comments" section for that question.

Here's Question No. 3 (It's a Short-Answer Concepts question.):

What is the distinction between power and authority?
What is one reason you know that the Iranian president has more power than the Iranian Supreme Leader or that the Supreme Leader has more power than the president?
What is an illustration of the difference between the authority each of them has? (3 points)

(See pp. 35, 40 and 144-147 in What You Need to Know.)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Question No. 2

I'll post a sample FRQ here about comparative government and politics almost every week day until April 30. They're for practice, since that one of the best ways of preparing for the exam.

You can subscribe to these questions using the RSS feed (the little broadcast icon in the address bar), and you'll see them in your news reader when I post them.

You can submit an answer using the "Questions" e-mail link at the What You Need to Know web site. (Look in the lower, right-hand section of that page.)

If you submit the earliest best answer, I'll post your answer (without your name) and a critique here a week after the question was posted. It will be in the "Comments" section for that question.

Here's Question No. 2 (It's a Conceptual Analysis question.):

a. Define state capacity.
b. Compare the limitations on the state capacity of Russia with the limitations of the state capacity of Nigeria. Which state has more capacity?
c. Describe two of the primary reasons why the state you identified with greater capacity has greater capacity. (5 point question)

(See pp. 36, 65-68, and 104-109 in What You Need to Know.)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Question No. 1

I'll post a sample FRQ here about comparative government and politics almost every week day until April 30. They're for practice, since that one of the best ways of preparing for the exam.

You can subscribe to these questions using the RSS feed (the little broadcast icon in the address bar), and you'll see them in your news reader when I post them.

You can submit an answer using the "Questions" e-mail link at the What You Need to Know web site. (Look in the lower, right-hand section of that page.)

If you submit the earliest best answer, I'll post your answer (without your name) and a critique here a week after the question was posted. It will be in the "Comments" section for that question.

Here's Question No. 1 (It's a Short Answer Concept question):

Define political accountability. Describe a primary way the regime in the UK ensures accountability. Describe a primary way the regime in Mexico ensures accountability. (3 points)

(See pp. 35 and 54-58 in What You Need to Know.)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Coming Attractions 2010

Beginning March 29, I'll post a sample FRQ here about comparative government and politics each weekday until May 1.

Realistically responding to examples is one of the best ways to prepare for the FRQs on the exam.

There are three kinds of FRQs on the AP exam:
  1. Short Answer Concept questions (#1-5)
  2. Concept Analysis questions (#6)
  3. Country Concept questions (#7-8)

In the five weeks before the exam, I'll offer 15 Short Answer Concept questions, five Concept Analysis questions, and 10 Country Concept questions for practice.

When you look at the blog archive, you'll find 45 FRQs from 2008 and 27 from 2009 that you can also use for practice. Some of them are out of date, but you should recognize that and avoid them or update them so they are appropriate for 2010. You can also find FRQs from past AP exams at the College Board site (see "Worthwhile Links" at left)

You can submit an answer for any of the FRQs using the "Questions" e-mail link at the What You Need to Know web site. (Look in the lower, right-hand section of that page.)

If you submit the earliest best answer, I'll post your answer (without your name) here a week after the question was posted.

No prizes, but, I'll add your school's web address to the list of "Worthwhile Links" on the left side of the blog, IF you send it to me.