Monday, May 2, 2011

Question No. 21

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Here's Question No. 21 (It's a Short Answer - Concept question.):

•Identify the primary law-making part of the Iranian regime.
•Explain two limitations on the power of that part of the Iranian regime.

(See pp. 142 - 146 and 148, in What You Need to Know.)


Anonymous said...

1. The parliament, Majles, is primary responsible for enacting and changing laws.
2a. The Supreme Leader gets to appoint members to the Guardian Council, which can affect legislature because the Guardian Council can veto any law enacted by the Majles.
2b. The Expediency Council, as appointed by the Supreme Leader, has the power to initiate laws.
Basically, the Supreme Leader has all of the power. If there is any law that the Supreme Leader does not like, they will find a way to make sure that it is not enacted.

Ken Wedding said...

One point out of one possible for part 1.

One point out of two possible for part 2. The explanation of the second limitation on the majlis should have specifically included HOW the supreme leader "will find a way to make sure that it [an undesirable law] is not enacted."