Friday, April 16, 2010

Question No. 15

You can submit an answer using the "Questions" e-mail link at the What You Need to Know web site. (Look in the lower, right-hand section of that page.)

If you submit the earliest best answer, I'll post your answer (without your name) and a critique here. It will be in the "Comments" section for that question.

Here's Question No. 15 (It's a Country Concept question.):

In Iran, velayat-e faqih (Guardianship of the Jurist) was intended to keep religious leaders in charge while representing the will of the people.

Identify two ways that the revolutionary regime created under velayat-e faqih was intended to represent the will of the people.

Explain one way in which that regime was designed to prevent populism from overwhelming the "guardianship" of the religious leader. (4 point question)

(See pp. 140-147 in What You Need to Know.)

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