Friday, April 23, 2010

Question No. 20

You can submit an answer using the "Questions" e-mail link at the What You Need to Know web site. (Look in the lower, right-hand section of that page.)

If you submit the earliest best answer, I'll post your answer (without your name) and a critique here. It will be in the "Comments" section for that question.

Here's Question No. 20 (It's a Conceptual Analysis question.):

What are two forces impinging on the sovereignty of nation-states in the 21st century?

Briefly describe how each of those forces limits nation-states' sovereignty?

What is one way in Russia has resisted a force limiting its exercise of sovereign power?

What is one way in Iran has resisted a force limiting its exercise of sovereign power? (6 point question)

(See pp. 42, 65-69, 78-79, 14-=144, 149-151, and 154 in What You Need to Know.)

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